Maximise the Power of November
November already – can you believe it? With Halloween now behind us, the most common thing you'll hear, apart from I can't believe its dark and its only 5pm - is people talking about how "it's nearly Christmas" and “the end of the year.” The truth is…we still have two months to go - 60 whole days! It’s the perfect time to wrap up your year with clarity and purpose while preparing yourself to hit the ground running come January.
Imagine looking back on 2024 knowing you made the most of every opportunity and ended the year strong. Your future self will thank you for making November count.
Read on to find out how you can turn this month into a powerful foundation and catalyst for 2025.

Why November?
December often gets swept up in a mixture of overwhelm and holiday mode – with Christmas preparations, parties, and that familiar wind-down period. It flies by and before you know it, suddenly January is upon us, with the pressure of new year, new you resolutions to make and start. Throw in a dose of the January blue's, that sluggish and over indulgent feeling as everyone eases back in after the holidays... it's not the best recipe for the best start.
That’s why November is your golden month to make strategic moves.
Here’s how you can make the most of this month:
Take time to reflect back on the year so far:
We often find ourselves so busy and planning on the next project or goal that we forget to look back, take stock and celebrate our achievements, see what worked, what didn't and adjust or adapt as necessary. So consider these questions:
What are your highlights and accomplishments from this year?
What surprised you?
What lessons can you take from this into the future?
Analyse your successes and growth:
Analysis in your business allows you to see what’s working well and where there’s room for improvement, helping you to build on your strengths and adapt from your observations and the statistics to make smarter, more strategic moves going forward. Remember its not just the numbers, but reflecting on yourself, your mindset and your actions. Introspection and adaptation on a personal level can empower you to be more confident and resilient, which will fuel both personal and professional growth.
What’s currently working in your business, and what could use a tweak?
Are there any processes or strategies that need adjusting?
Is there anything that is holding you back from your true potential?
Find those final opportunities:
It can be easy to let these 2 months fly by without a purposeful plan, but with clarity and clear tasks or goals, it can also provide opportunities for growth and preparation. Taking small but purposeful actions can make a big difference to how your business performs and how you feel come the end of the year.
Is there a project or goal you'd like to complete by the end of the year?
What small actions could you take to finish the year on a high?
Plan December with intention:
Depending on your business, December can be full on sales season, or a quieter period... whichever it is, you've also got the added pressure of holiday season, parties, presents and more. Using November to prepare in advance can make a huge difference, whether its scheduling your social media, doing your Xmas shopping and card writing in advance, planning in down time amongst the chaos etc, having a plan is key to easing the pressure.
How do you want to balance work with the festive season?
What you can set up now so you don’t feel overwhelmed or miss out?
Look forward – Visualize your 2025:
Vision and goals are such an important element to gaining the success your desire. Having a clear vision of what you'd love next year to be like for you, will influence the actions you take and attract the results you desire. It's a task so often overlooked and thought of as a waste of time, however its essential in knowing what you want and the steps and mindset to get you there.
Start exploring your vision for the new year:
Where do you want to take your business next year?
What would you like more of / and less of both personally and professionally?
Consider how you can prepare and position yourself to make the step into next year a successful one.
Your Call to Reflect & Strategise
In my Monthly Membership - The Business Creative, November’s theme is all about reflection and planning. We’ll explore the lessons of 2024 and map out a clear, inspiring strategy for the new year, so that come 2025, there is not only a clear plan , but also excitement to make it the best year yet!
If you want to make this month the one where you set yourself up to end the year with awareness of this years accomplishments, organised for the busy festive season ahead AND with a plan and strategy for a strong 2025 then come and join us.
Let me know how you are going to Maximise the Power of November. Of course I'd love to part of your journey to finish 2024 on a high and kickstart a strong 2025... so please get in touch if you'd like support and resources to help you do so. This can be in the form of 1:1 coaching and mentoring, joining my Monthly Membership or even coming along to one of my networking events - all options are designed to up level your business and life.
Have a great November.
With love, Tanya Xx