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Inspiring women to create and grow their business with confidence and authenticity...
  ...whilst aligned with and supporting the lifestyle they truly desire.

Are you a small business owner or budding entrepreneur wanting to Rock your Business and Thrive in life?

Are you ready to invest in yourself and take brave new steps forward in your business?

Are you craving to feel inspired and supported, to find new direction and vision, to create and achieve new heights?

I am a Business & Lifestyle Coach & Mentor with a passion to inspire women to create and grow their business confidently, whilst aligned with and supporting the lifestyle they truly desire.


I have an abundance of experience and knowledge, and along with my out of the box creative mindset, I can help you to transform the way you live and work to create success, fulfilment and joy for your business and you.


If you're ready to move forward and prepared to invest your time and effort into both your business and life... then you're in the right place.

Does this sound like you?

  • You want to Rock your Business AND Thrive in Life...

  • You want to take your business to the next level of success…  

  • You want to define or redefine your direction and vision…

  • You want to feel confident in the products and services you offer...

  • You want to work smarter not harder...

  • You want to feel inspired and empowered…

  • You want your authentic self to attract your ideal clients...

  • You want to charge your worth and reap the rewards...

  • You are ready, determined and prepared to invest in yourself, your business and your life!

Does this sound like you?
About Me

Hi I am Tanya Anear...

...Business & Lifestyle Coach & Mentor...

...the name, face and voice of Creative Blu

I am a 54 year old single mother of 2  boys (18 & 21) living in Banstead, Surrey.

Creative Blu has been created from my passion to help and inspire women to create and grow their business confidently and authentically; whilst aligned with and supporting the lifestyle they truly desire.

I offer a range of partnerships, memberships, services and in person events, where you will benefit from me being your personal coach, mentor, listener, advisor, educator, motivator and accountability partner. 

I have an abundance of expertise, experience and knowledge within various industries and from running my own businesses for over 14 years.


I am an accredited Life Coach and use the skills that I have learnt and blend them with my natural mentoring skills, to help you discover the best answers, strategies and actions that will take you forward.


I am also known for my out of the box, creative thinking and mindset, which enables me to help you to transform the way you work and think, bringing success in a harmonious way that supports your work, responsibilities and lifestyle.

I am so passionate about helping women like you, to think and work more effectively, and confidently achieve success both professionally and personally by doing it your way and with authenticity.

Tanya Xx

Work With Me

Work With Me...

Find out more about the Partnerships, Services, Memberships and In Person Events that I offer to help you Rock your Business and Thrive in Life!

Join My Monthly Membership ...
The Business Creative
...for an affordable way to create and grow your business along like-minded business women.


you can have it all here!

And for just £25 a month - with no signup fee or tie in. 

Book A Discover Call

Book A Discovery Call

Ready to move forward in your business and think a Business Coach and /or Mentor would help you in doing so?

You might be more towards my Lifestyle Transition Services I offer or want to find out more about my Monthly Membership or In Person Events

A discovery call will help you to explore how working with me in any of these areas can help you.  

This call is designed for you to discover if working with me is the right choice, as well as having your questions and queries answered first before committing to anything. 

Let’s schedule a time to connect so we can explore where you are and where you’d like to be.  If we both feel that it’s a fit, we can discuss the best options to taking those first steps in moving forward.

Click on the link below to be taken to my real-time availability so you can

book in a discovery call that is convenient to you. 

Client Testimonials

       I can’t believe what I have achieved in such a short space of time, without your advice and inspiration I would not have been able to move forward with my business. I have thoroughly enjoyed our meetings and Zoom has worked perfectly. If we go off on a tangent you get us back on track quickly, you have made me think about my business and what I want to achieve clearly and pointed me in the right direction to achieve this. When you have made a suggestion for something I should do you follow this up with practical information and advise on how I do it and you also check in to see how I am getting on.  You have helped me assess how I want my business (and personal life) to grow and given me the tools to instigate this. Now that I am actively scheduling in various tasks like admin & accounts each month, it leaves me free to fully concentrate on my projects plus get that valuable day off each week I had wanted for some time. I also love the homework e-mails and once I receive them I know exactly what I need to work on and it motivates me to get on and action it.

Thank You.

Claire Duncan, Inspirational Interiors

  Tanya  always follows up our calls with an email, which allows me to focus during the session.  She also sets me some homework  tasks.  Today she explained the benefits of videos and that my potential clients need to see me! they need to see the face behind Jo Thorpe Photography. Tanya asked me to record a little video for her (as a first step), instead I took this one step further and I recorded myself live on instagram! I talked about the photography that I have been doing over the past few days in the snow and mentioned that I wil be posting more images soon. I recorded it once and got it spot on first time! I was very pleased with myself and I would not have done this without the help and encouragement that I received from Tanya xx thank you again x 

Jo Thorpe, Jo Thorpe Photography

If anyone has started or thinking of starting a new venture , I can absolutely recommend the lovely Tanya !!


We sat together, going through what I actually wanted to get from my business , what image I wanted to portray etc ... she was very patient and had so much knowledge and really made me feel “ I could do it !”

She helped me design my price lists etc and was always in the end of a phone to answer questions or to give advise or just a pep talk to say “ you’ve got this !!”

I truly couldn’t have done it with out Tanya !!  Big thanks 

Sue Pelling, Serenity at Home

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